What to Pack for Your Safari

Safari Chic, South Africa

Proper packing is a crucial aspect of a successful African safari. By following these practical tips and recommendations, you'll be well-prepared for your adventure. Embrace the excitement, and get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime. Enjoy your African safari!!

Neutral - One crucial consideration when packing clothes is selecting lightweight and breathable fabrics in neutral colours (khaki, beige, or olive green) that won't attract insects or disturb the animals. Avoid bright colours and anything with camouflage patterns.

Protective - Pack long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect you from sun exposure and insect bites while out on game drives.

Comfortable - Moisture-wicking underwear, and socks are essential, especially when spending long hours driving through the wilderness.

Sturdy - Closed-toe walking shoes or hiking boots are vital for your safety and comfort. Ensure they're broken in before your trip to prevent blisters.

Waterproof - A jacket or poncho is necessary for sudden downpours, as many game drives occur during the rainy season (typically November – March in Southern Africa).

Warm - Pack a fleece or jacket for cool evenings and mornings, when temperatures can drop significantly. It always gets colder than you imagine on Safari particularly in the winter months (May – August) where gloves, scarves and beanies are also recommended.

Sun Protection - To shield yourself from the sun, bring a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses with UV protection.

Binoculars - A must-have for spotting elusive wildlife from a distance, so invest in a quality pair with good magnification, some of the top luxury properties provide these for guest use but it is always a good idea to have your own.

Camera - A camera with extra batteries and memory cards will help you capture those unforgettable wildlife moments. A good lens will go a long way to helping you capture amazing moments, We recommend something with a good range (100mm – 400mm).

Daypack - A durable daypack will hold your gear and essentials during game drives.

Light - A headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries is highly recommended, as electricity can be limited in some remote areas.

First Aid - A small first aid kit with any small items you might need along the way, all camps will have a kit, but its good to have a few plasters and the like yourself.

Travel Documents - Don't forget your passport and any necessary visas for your visit. Keep a copy of your travel insurance documents handy for emergencies.

Currency - Carry some extra cash in local currency for any unplanned expenses or gratuities.

Snacks - Although the lodges and Camps will keep you well fed, snacks and energy bars will keep you energised during long travel or flights, especially if you are travelling with kids.

Toiletries - Pack your favourite toiletries, but use travel-sized bottles to save space and weight.

Prescriptions - Bring your prescription medications and copies of prescriptions in case you need to replenish them during your trip. Keep all your personal medications with you in your hund luggage in case of delayed baggage.

Electronics - Travel adapters are essential for charging devices, as voltage and plug types can vary across countries. Portable charging devices will keep your camera and phone charged while away from power sources.


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